Wednesday, June 4, 2014

2014 Greenwich Concours - Edwardian Cars


1913 Pope-Hartford (from the author's collection)

The 2014 Greenwich Concours just celebrated it's 19th year this past weekend and Dad was there to survey the event. Although Saturday's field of American cars was not as strong as Sunday filed of European cars, the event was well attend both days. This event is one of the strongest in the Northeast and always brings out some interesting cars. Here's a peak at a few of the Edwardian cars on hand:

Two great cars out of Dick King's impressive collection - above is the 1913 Pope-Hartford Model 29, 6-cylinder roadster. This cars still wears the restoration performed by Harrah's when it was in his collection. The other car being the 1912 Olds Defender - this car wears a custom body - very interesting car.

1912 Oldsmobile Defender (from the author's collection)

The next car is the pride of the Dragone collection, a 1907 Fiat - one of five cars supplied by the factory for the Targa Florio that same year.

1907 Fiat (from the author's collection)

This last car , I know little about - it appears to be a 1911(?) Franklin of racing variety. If you know more about this car, please leave me a comment.

1911(?) Franklin (from the author's collection)
